Domain Ontology of the Roman Artifacts found in the Tomis Fortress

Domain Ontology of the Roman Artifacts found in the Tomis Fortress belongs to the project TOMIS  2007-2010

Bogdan Crenguta,“Domain Ontology of the Roman Artifacts found in the Tomis Fortress”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, publicat in jurnalul Studia Universitatis Babes- Bolyai Informatica, ISSN 1224-869x, pag. 89-92, 2009. Jurnalul este indexat de urmatoarele baze de date internationale: MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH (Library shelfmarks: TIB: ZY 3118), EBSCO Publishing, (TM) Serials Solutions, ProQuest.