creatiVE 2015 – Summer School on Virtual Environments. 4th Virtual Heritage Edition

This event has the following spponsors:AYG,F5 IT
This event has the following partners:Transilvania University - Brasov (UTB),National Museum of History and Archaeology - Constanta (MINAC),Technical University of Delft - The Netherlands (TU Delft),Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava - Romania (USV)
Organizatori:Popovici Dorin Mircea,Bobe A.,Pomparau I.,Puchianu C.,Corleanca Alexandru Cristian,Hutanu Raluca Alexandra,Ionas Amenna,Serban Alexandru Constantin,Mitran Andreea
Participanti:Clipota A.,Ghinea A.,Hutanu Raluca Alexandra,Ionas Amenna,Juganaru C.V.,Mitran Andreea,Popovici M.I.,Serban Alexandru Constantin,Stefan R.,Stoica-Marcu Floris-Andrei,Vacaroiu A.I.
Become immersed into the amazing history of Scythia Minor, and celebrate the victory through third millennium technology through the three-dimensional reconstruction and animation of authentic Dobrogean Basilicas. For more information, please visit the creatiVE2015 website.
This event has the following partners:Transilvania University - Brasov (UTB),National Museum of History and Archaeology - Constanta (MINAC),Technical University of Delft - The Netherlands (TU Delft),Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava - Romania (USV)
Organizatori:Popovici Dorin Mircea,Bobe A.,Pomparau I.,Puchianu C.,Corleanca Alexandru Cristian,Hutanu Raluca Alexandra,Ionas Amenna,Serban Alexandru Constantin,Mitran Andreea
Participanti:Clipota A.,Ghinea A.,Hutanu Raluca Alexandra,Ionas Amenna,Juganaru C.V.,Mitran Andreea,Popovici M.I.,Serban Alexandru Constantin,Stefan R.,Stoica-Marcu Floris-Andrei,Vacaroiu A.I.
Become immersed into the amazing history of Scythia Minor, and celebrate the victory through third millennium technology through the three-dimensional reconstruction and animation of authentic Dobrogean Basilicas. For more information, please visit the creatiVE2015 website.